Game of Life 

Spawn or kill cells by clicking the cell with the mouse.

'R' - spawn random cells.

'B' - start the simulation.

'P' - pause the simulation.

'S' - save the current pattern.

'L' - load the saved pattern.


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a classic well done. nicely chosen graphics, it runs smoothly, and lets us save and load a pattern for an easier game resuming which is really cool. also the random option is nice, saves time we'd spend placing each cell alone.  10/10. waiting for more!!


The Game of Life is a simple and addictive game that allows players to create and destroy cells with the touch of a button. The game's mechanics are straightforward: players can create new cells by pressing a button, and destroy existing cells by pressing another button.

The game's graphics are simple but effective, with colorful and vibrant cells that pop against the stark blue background.

While the gameplay may seem basic, the game can become surprisingly addictive. Players can experiment with different cell arrangements and watch as they grow and interact with one another. The game's simplicity also allows for a wide range of experimentation, as players can try out different strategies and see how they affect the cells.

One potential downside of the game is that it lacks any real goal or objective. While this may not bother some players, others may find the lack of direction or purpose frustrating.

Overall, Game of Life is a fun and engaging way to pass the time. While it may not offer the depth or complexity of other simulation games, it provides a satisfying and visually appealing experience that can be enjoyed by all ages.